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The GEObjects software ecosystem provides solutions that support many environmental and carbon opportunities.

The Tarah carbon analytics software uses focus modules to create representations of scenarios. These representations are the models that produce a simulation that is processed by the Tarah analytics technology.

Focus modules can be loaded into Tarah allowing it to process whichever combination of scenarios are of interest. In addition, reporting modules are loaded to explore the information about the the result.

This modular design makes Tarah extremely flexible and these loadable "software objects" give the company its name, GEObjects.

In addition, focus modules can be utilised to accept the output from models produced by other providers, including the common modelling tools used by governments when preparing GHG reporting. In this way, Tarah will integrate directly with the tools already in use and orchestrate the seamless integration of different information and data sources into unified views of outcomes. The allows Tarah to enhance the value of the investment in the use of existing tools and helps staff to take their work with the existing tools in new and powerful directions.

Configuring Tarah to use the appropriate focus modules allows it to be applied to the analysis of different environmental challenges:


Green Carbon


In a green carbon scenario, Tarah can model a carbon landscape, simulating the behaviour of a group of land-sector industries forming a local or national economy. This modelling processes operates within the bounds of the LULUCF (land use, land use change, and forestry) sector, computing carbon outcomes from LULUCF activities. These models are particularly helpful in producing analyses of the agriculture and forestry industries, but apply more broadly.

The model is comprehensive and sophisticated, modelling the activities occurring within the land sector industries, their used inputs (fuels, etc.) and their production (product modelling).

The green carbon models work with the other models in the Tarah répertoire to weave an holistic depiction of the simulation economy.

Use cases:

  • Agriculture policy
  • Forestry policy
  • Land resources management
  • Carbon abatement policy
  • Soil management policy
  • Land use management
  • Land management research
  • Carbon credit computation
  • Carbon outcome projection
  • Carbon position analysis
  • Many more use cases

Blue Carbon


Blue Carbon represents a huge source of carbon abatement and a new world of mitigation methods and the stimulation of many industries. Like all forms of carbon modelling, the Blue Carbon sector can result in the stimulation of industries connected to blue carbon resources, including importantly, fishing, aquaculture, wetland management, and offshore mining.

The GEObjects Blue Carbon functionality is being prototyped presently and we are working with several partners in the research and development of this technology.

Use cases:

  • Fishing and marine husbandry policy
  • Aquatic range policy
  • Marine resources management
  • Wetlands resources management
  • Carbon abatement policy
  • Wet soils management policy
  • Land use management
  • Land management research
  • Carbon credit computation
  • Carbon outcome projection
  • Carbon position analysis
  • Many more use cases

Soil Carbon


Soil Carbon methods result in enrichment of soils and sequester carbon. Good management of a nation's soils directly enriches the country and bolsters the agriculture and forestry industries. Good Soil Carbon practice is one of the most immediately available avenues for any country. Proper custodianship of soils increases wealth in the economy, sequesters carbon, improves food security, increases food exports, and can generate income through reward for carbon mitigation - all as the outcome of the same set of soil carbon improvements!

Given that the most basic form of wealth that people can have is their soil beneath their feature, soil is the key resource for all people, and regardless of how developed an economy is, gains are always immediately available when soil management practices are improved.

Tarah models soil behaviour and soil based carbon flows resulting from practices and activities used by the agriculture, forestry, subsistence, pastoral, and other industries.

Soil Carbon modelling builds into the complete picture of national carbon provided by the GEObjects family of software applications.

Use cases:

  • Soil management policy
  • Agronomics policy
  • Forestry resources management
  • Pastoral management
  • Carbon abatement policy
  • Soils improvement policy
  • Land use management
  • Land management research
  • Carbon credit computation
  • Carbon outcome projection
  • Carbon position analysis
  • Many more use cases

Industrial Carbon


Industrial Carbon is the classic industrial sector for modelling carbon outcomes. Industrial applications generate most of the world's carbon emissions. The examples of industrial carbon pollution are endless, but major contributors to industrial carbon emissions in any country include: the stationary power generation industry, travel and transport (planes, trains, automobiles, and ships), manufacturing, construction, tourism, waste management, and fugitive losses.

This industry sector represents the major share of the work of carbon modelling simulators. The inputs and outputs of the industrial sector drive the majority of emissions and therefore, projections of carbon outcomes and pollutant management strategies is critical not only to the carbon performance of the country, but also to capturing the value latent in mitigating emissions from these sources.

As the people at GEObjects often make a point of, carbon management can produce carbon positions that are an asset rather than an expense. Once a country is in a positive carbon position, industry will drive emissions lower as it seeks optimal resource management of carbon practices. In this way, the threat and harm posed by carbon pollution can be alleviated by action of the economy in a wealth-building fashion. This is the ideal result of climate change policy as it lifts the cost of addressing carbon pollution off the government and makes it an ongoing value proposition to industry. With the right tools to support the framework, this outcome is absolutely possible.

Use cases:

  • Energy management policy
  • Manufactures stimulation
  • Industrial resources management
  • Fiscal policy formation
  • Carbon abatement policy
  • Infrastructure improvement policy
  • Waste management policy
  • Land use management
  • Land management research
  • Carbon credit computation
  • Carbon outcome projection
  • Carbon position analysis
  • Many more use cases

Carbon Solutions


Using the Tarah environmental analytics system and complementary GEObjects products, it is possible to model proposed solutions to emerging carbon opportunities and to solve carbon problems as presented in the course of business of government administration.

Models indicating advantageous outcomes are the ideal basis for the formation of good government policies on carbon issues and other environmental management.

The gains available through the application of carbon solutions are almost endless. Any situation, once modelled, is likely to show indications of potential areas of improvement. By postulative modelling against these areas of focus, the most beneficial solutions can be demonstrated. These solutions can then inform policy and practice. In many cases direct improvements to the behaviour of farmers or industry can be recommended.


Carbon Schemes


The use of Tarah, backed up by the use of Nexus (the GEObjects product for supporting carbon trading exchanges) can provide the infrastructure for an emissions trading scheme or carbon management scheme. The powerful contribution of the combination of Tarah and Nexus is that a country can put in place a carbon exchange system as a straight forward turnkey solution. With the application of these products, it is possible to move from a position where carbon is not credited or not often credited, to one where business is often incentivised by award of carbon credits and these credits can be managed and traded via a government-led scheme.

Implementation of a national carbon scheme can turn a government carbon mitigation burden into an economy-building initiative providing jobs, industrial growth, greening of industry, improved practices, and a useful new income stream in the popular economy. Indeed, this is the intention in the structure of the international climate change agreements: these agreements envisage an international market in carbon offsets. Where polluters would otherwise experience constrained production allowances due to a starvation of carbon credits to offset their polluting actions, the international frameworks support the emergence of a trade in offset. Any country can produce credits when they demonstrate carbon negative actions - that is, actions that avoid or recover carbon pollution (sequestration).

When a country fails to take advantage of that situation, it ignores a national asset that could be developed. The beauty of the vision of the international community is that the countries that are less industrialised have proportionately more to offer in production of offsets. This means that industrialised countries can partner well with them, each benefiting from the market in carbon offsets.


Carbon Modelling


By modelling carbon flows, it becomes clear how carbon moves through a system and how it is impacted by differing practices and activities.

On the basis of such modelling, it is possible to suggest improved methods for performing the various activities of the various industries of the economy.

The power of this type of analysis lies in the ability to see how the outcome develops step-by-step, allowing for diagnostic understanding of the process and powerfully tuned outcomes.

It becomes possible to differentiate between alternative approaches to industrial practice, such as alternative agricultural methods.

Performing analytics using the Tarah product against the results of models being used allows for the creation of new methods and the unlocking of value latent in the industrial practices of the country.

The provision of deep analytic is available by the addition of the GEObjects Scope product.


Waste Management


Waste disposal is a major source of carbon pollution and other forms of pollution. The typical approach to dealing with waste disposal is to bury the waste in a landfill facility. This results in emissions over the life of the waste decay processes.<.span>

The contemporary approach is to use recycling methods to reprocess waste.

The value and outcomes of various methods can be explored and investigated using Tarah.

Waste management modelling provides an integrated depiction of end of life outcomes for products in the overall model.


Urban Carbon Analysis


Tarah is able to analyse models of carbon flows in urban environments. This capability allows the system to suggest measures for city planning which would contribute to the national or regional carbon outcomes. Without this capability, it is difficult to achieve a window on urban "carbon patterning".

The GEObjects Urban product is available for modelling use by city administration and municipal governments that may need to model under rulesets beyond the IPCC rules.


Use Methodologies


Using Tarah, it is possible to model a single methodology if loaded into the simulator's répertoire. Doing so allows a the application of a methodology to be explored and reviewed and allows comparison of comparative methodologies. On this basis, methodological projections may be used to put forward recommended practices.

In this way, Tarah supports users wishing to determine best practice from a carbon perspective.


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After completion of the required coursework and other requirements, candidates may apply for endorsement as a Certified GEObjects Professional (CGP). CGPs receive a certificate of endorsement, communications from GEObjects, the Spatial Systems Newsletter, discounts on GEObjects education and training services, invitation to attend events, and GEObjects merchandise.

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Carbon Modelling Professionals may apply to join The Spatial Society. Members are involved in the online activities of the society, including online forums, online training, product and training offers, society merchandise, receive the society journal, and are entitled to set up a professional page through the society's website. Certified GEObjects Professionals (CGPs) receive discounted membership and are denoted as CGPs on the site. The society also holds events around the world including the annual symposium.